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Lingue culture mediazioni (LCM Journal) (2017). Vol. 1: Professional Practice and Domains. Linguistic and discursice Perspectives

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Table of Contents: Engaging with Professional Practice across Domains through the Lens of Applied Linguistics, P. Catenaccio, G. Garzone, S. Sarangi - Developing a New Approach to Managing and Mediating Conflicts, G.A. Pennisi - Good health across languages: how access to healthcare by non-Italian speaking patients is ensured in Italy. A case study, E. Dal Fovo - Disability in the workplace: corporate strategies in a discourse analytical perspective, F. Santulli - Procedural Justice and the Discursive Construction of Narratives at Trial, J. Ainsworth - Blogging in and about the workplace: a linguistic and discursive analysis of work psychology discourse and discourse communities, R.B. Doerr - Between Professionalism and Amateurship: Makeup Discourse on YouTube, G. Riboni - Development of a French as a foreign language teacher's "teaching repertoire" in and through retrospective interviews and reflection, Fumiya ISHIKAWA - Freelancers or "public intellectuals"? Professional identity and discursive representation of Chinese independent media writers in a fast-changing landscape, E. Lupano

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